The Bowmar Builders are an FLL team associated with Bowmar Elementary School. The purpose of this blog is to help other students interested in robotics to learn from what we have learned. As an FLL Robotics team we use the Lego EV3 robotics system and the Mindstorms graphical programming language.

EV3 Programming

This page will discuss various tips and algorithms we have discovered. Below will be links to various posts.

Menu Systems

A simple color menu selection algorithm. This is useful is you have attachments that have unique color blocks for each attachment.

Menu Systems

Color-sensing Menu Approach


Program Organization

Line Following Algorithms

The FollowThatLine algorithm is a simple two-sensor line following algorithm that moves the robot forward a certain number of wheel rotations.

Alignment algorithms and methods

Sensor Calibration

Dead Reckoning vs. Sensors

Dead Reckoning Tips

Wheel motion

Turn vs. Pivot

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